Nazioarteko Harremanak (“Erasmus”) Kroazian

Pasa den ostiralean, Kroaziako Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik eta Maistra Collection Hotels and Resorts-Rovinj ordezkarien bisita jaso genuen, urtero egiten ditugun #EgibideInternational proiektuen esparruan. Egibide-Mendizorrotza Ostalitzako Eskolan instalazioak bisitatu ondoren, Xabier Lopez de Santiago, LHko zuzendariarekin ezagutza partekatzeko unea iritsi zen.
Eguna gure Ostalaritza Eskolako “Slow Food” Jatetxean bukatu zen. Mila esker zuen lanagatik “Egibide Internacional” Izaskun Arratibel eta Rubén Landa.
Thanks four your visit!
(ENGLIHS) During this past friday, we hosted a visit from a delegation from the Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik and Maistra Collection Rovinj, both from Croatia, within the framework of our #EgibideInternational projects that we carry out every year. After visiting the facilities of Escuela de Hostelería EGIBIDE-Mendizorrotza hospitality school, we had a moment to share knowledge with the VET director. The goal of this meeting is to develop international mobilities in Croatia in the near future.
The day ended with a tasting lunch at the #SlowFood Restaurant of our hospitality school. Thanks four your visit!